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Beautiful product photos with human models

Create professional images for any product in seconds.

As featured on

superhuman logo, AI newsletter
bens bites logo, AI newsletter
stripe logo
million dollar sellers (MDS) logo
AI tool report logo
neonpulse logo, AI newsletter

Create and edit lifestyle photos with your products

Bring your e-commerce products to life with AI by adding photorealistic human models, animals and custom backgrounds. 

Your product

necklace before caspa AI product photography
caspa AI model, AI product photo of brunette model wearing a necklace

caspa AI photo

Your product

cake before caspa AI product photography
caspa AI product photo - chef standing behind cake
caska AI studio editor, ecommerce images

Customise image templates, infographics & more with the studio editor

Add multiple products, write text, resize your images, get inspiration from existing stock photos and use AI to speed up the process.

Unique AI stock photos that suit your brand

AI stock photos to help your customers visualise your brand that can be edited with ease.

caspa AI stock photo, mixed race couple
caspa AI stock photo, galaxy in space
caspa AI stock photo - amazing beach
caspa AI stock photo, animation of family in a park
caspa AI stock photo - dreamhouse
caspa AI stock photo, blonde man playing saxophone, black and white image
caspa AI stock photo, friends sat in a cafe
caspa AI stock photo - gym man
caspa AI product photo, ballerina sitting down

Multiple ways to create unique AI product photos

Check out how you can make the most of caspa AI in at least 3 different ways

AI, marketing and business growth go hand-in-hand

Check out our latest blog posts about the role of AI in the marketing space

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