Aug 4, 2024

10 Ways AI Improves Ecommerce Product Images

shopping bag animation with loads of products exploding out of it
shopping bag animation with loads of products exploding out of it
shopping bag animation with loads of products exploding out of it

AI is changing how online stores handle product images, making the process faster, cheaper, and more effective. Here's a quick overview of how AI is changing the game:

  1. Image enhancement

  2. Background removal

  3. Scene generation

  4. Virtual try-on and AR

  5. Automated tagging

  6. Personalized recommendations

  7. High-volume processing

  8. 3D modeling

  9. Visual search

  10. Automated editing

These AI tools help stores:

  • Save time and money

  • Improve image quality

  • Offer more product options

  • Enhance the shopping experience

For customers, this means:

  • Clearer product views

  • Easier product searches

  • More personalized shopping

  • Faster decision-making

table of AI features

AI is making online shopping smoother and more engaging for everyone involved.

1. AI-Powered Image Enhancement

Better Image Quality

AI helps make product images look better for online stores. It can:

  • Fix lighting

  • Adjust colors

  • Improve contrast

This makes products look more like they do in real life. Customers can see products clearly, which helps them decide to buy.

Faster Work

AI speeds up image editing. It can:

  • Edit many pictures at once

  • Work quickly without mistakes

  • Save time for store owners

This means new products can go on sale faster. It also saves money on image editing.

Happy Customers

Better images make shopping easier. Customers can:

  • See products clearly

  • Trust what they're buying

  • Feel good about their choices

table explaining what AI does

This leads to more sales and happy customers.

2. Intelligent Background Removal

Better Image Quality

AI background removal makes product images look clearer by:

  • Taking out distracting backgrounds

  • Putting the focus on the product

  • Making images look more professional

This helps customers see products better, which can lead to more sales.

Faster Work

AI makes removing backgrounds quicker:

  • It can edit many images at once

  • It works faster than people

  • It saves time for store owners

This means products can go on sale faster and stores can save money.

Some Control Over Editing

While AI does most of the work, some tools let users make small changes:

  • Fix edges

  • Change settings

  • Make manual edits

This helps get the exact look stores want for their products.

Better Shopping Experience

Clear product images with no backgrounds help customers:

  • See products easily

  • Trust the store more

  • Feel good about buying

This can make customers happier and increase sales.

3. Dynamic Scene Generation

Better Image Quality

AI can make new product images from scratch. It can:

  • Add good lighting

  • Use different backgrounds

  • Make images look real

This helps show products clearly to customers.

Faster Work

AI image making saves time:

  • No need for real photo shoots

  • Can make many images quickly

  • Products can go online faster

This helps stores save money and sell sooner.

Custom Images

AI lets stores make images that fit their style:

  • Choose colors and backgrounds

  • Show products in different ways

  • Make images match the store's look

This helps stores stand out and show products how they want.

Better Shopping

Good AI images help customers:

  • See products clearly

  • Understand how products look and work

  • Feel more sure about buying

This can make customers happier and buy more.

4. Virtual Try-On and Augmented Reality

Better Shopping Experience

Virtual try-on and augmented reality (AR) help customers see how clothes and accessories look on them without trying them on in person. This makes online shopping more fun and easy.

Better Images

AI virtual try-ons make product images look better. Customers can see how things look on them in real-time. This means:

  • Fewer photo shoots needed

  • Less image editing

  • Faster product launches

  • Saving money

Faster Work

AI virtual try-ons help stores work faster. They can:

  • Make product images automatically

  • Focus on other work like marketing

  • Respond quickly to what customers want

Personal Shopping

AI helps stores suggest products customers might like. It looks at what customers have bought before and what they like. This makes customers happy because:

  • They feel the store knows what they want

  • They're more likely to buy again

5. Automated Product Tagging and Categorization

Faster Work

AI tools can tag and sort products quickly. This helps online stores:

  • Save time

  • Work faster

  • Focus on other tasks

Personal Shopping

AI can suggest products based on what customers like. This makes shopping better because:

  • Customers find what they want easily

  • Stores can show items customers might like

Better Shopping Experience

AI tagging helps customers find products easily. This means:

  • Better search results

  • Easier to find products

  • Happier customers who buy more

6. Personalized Product Recommendations

Custom Suggestions for Shoppers

AI helps online stores suggest products that fit each customer's likes. It does this by:

  • Looking at what customers buy

  • Checking what similar customers like

  • Studying product details

This makes shopping more fun and easy for customers.

Better Shopping Experience

When stores use AI to suggest products:

  • Customers find things they like more easily

  • More people buy things

  • Customers are happier with their shopping

Easier Work for Stores

AI makes suggesting products easier for stores:

  • It works on its own, so people don't have to

  • It can handle lots of customers at once

  • It's often better at picking good suggestions than people

table showing how AI helps customers, stores and work

7. High-Volume Image Processing

Faster Work

AI helps online stores handle lots of product images quickly. It can:

  • Edit images

  • Change image sizes

  • Format images

This saves time and lets stores focus on other work.

Better Images

AI makes product photos look good. It can:

  • Fix brightness and contrast

  • Make colors look better

  • Remove image problems

Good photos help customers trust the store and buy more.

Custom Images

AI can make different versions of product images. For example:

  • Change colors

  • Use different backgrounds

This helps stores show products in ways customers like.

Easy Shopping

AI-made images help customers shop better:

  • Images load faster

  • Photos look good on all devices

  • Customers can see products clearly

table descriving what AI does

These AI tools help online stores work faster and make customers happy. Good product images can lead to more sales.

8. 3D Modeling and Rendering

Better Product Images

3D modeling and rendering make product images look real and clear. It lets customers:

  • See products from all sides

  • Look closely at details

  • View products in different settings

This helps customers understand products better when shopping online.

Faster Work

3D modeling saves time and money for online stores. It:

  • Replaces the need for many photo shoots

  • Lets stores make images quickly

  • Uses AI to do much of the work on its own

This means stores can show new products faster.

Custom Products

With 3D modeling, customers can change products to fit what they want. They can:

  • Pick different colors

  • Try different materials

  • See how changes look right away

This makes shopping more fun and helps customers find what they like.

Better Shopping

3D images make online shopping easier and more fun. Customers can:

  • Move products around to see all sides

  • Try out different options

  • Get a good idea of what products are like

This helps customers feel good about what they're buying.

table describing what 3D modelling does

These tools help online stores show their products better and make customers happy.

9. Visual Search Capabilities

Better Shopping Experience

AI visual search helps customers shop online more easily. It lets them:

  • Upload pictures of products they like

  • Take photos of items they want to find

  • Get quick matches for similar products

This is great for shoppers who don't know the exact name of what they're looking for.

Faster Shopping

Visual search makes finding products quicker. Instead of typing words, customers can use pictures. This means:

  • Less time spent searching

  • More accurate results

  • Happier customers who are more likely to buy

Personal Suggestions

AI can learn what each customer likes by looking at:

  • What they search for

  • What they buy

  • What they look at on the website

Then it can show products that fit their style. This makes customers want to come back and buy more.

Better Product Images

Visual search helps stores make their product pictures better. It does this by:

  • Checking image quality

  • Finding what's in each picture

  • Making sure products look good in photos

Good pictures help customers trust the store and buy more.

table showing how visual search helps

These tools help online stores sell more by making shopping easier and more fun for customers.

10. Automated Editing and Retouching

AI tools now help online stores fix up product photos quickly and easily. This makes work faster and photos look better.

Better Photos

AI can:

  • Fix brightness and colors

  • Remove small marks or wrinkles

  • Make photos look more professional

Faster Work

AI editing tools:

  • Work on many photos at once

  • Save time for store owners

  • Let workers do other important jobs

Happy Customers

Good photos help customers:

  • See products clearly

  • Feel good about buying

  • Come back to shop again

table describing how visual search helps

These AI tools help online stores work faster and make customers happy. Good product photos can help stores sell more.


AI has changed how online stores show their products. It helps make product pictures better and easier to manage. Here's what AI does:

  • Makes images look good

  • Removes backgrounds

  • Creates new scenes

  • Edits photos quickly

AI also helps customers find what they want:

  • Tags products

  • Suggests items customers might like

  • Lets people search using pictures

In the future, AI will do even more:

  • Make 3D product models

  • Let customers try on items virtually

  • Help stores handle lots of images at once

These changes make online shopping better for customers and easier for stores.

table describing what AI does

AI makes online shopping easier and more fun. It helps stores work better and sell more. As AI gets better, online shopping will keep improving for everyone.